Inaugural Meeting of the Myanmar Branch
The inaugural meeting of Myanmar Branch, which is the 12nd branch of NUAL, was conducted in 29th June 2013 at Sedona Hotel, Myanmar. This meeting was held along with the opening ceremony of Nagoya University Myanmar, Law Research Center. Myanmar alumni, and the representations of Nagoya University and NUAL attended this meeting: president Hamaguchi, vice president Aikyo and Sadakata, and members of Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE) from Nagoya University; Mr. Nakano (Chief of Liaison Committee) and Ms. Matsubara (General Affairs Section) from NUAL. 16 out of 53 listed Myanmar alumni attended the inaugurate meeting. Dr. Nang Hla Hla Win, who is the head of Department of Pharmacology in University of Medicine 1,Yangon is inaugurated as a chairperson of NUAL Myanmar branch. She graduated from Department of Medical in Nagoya University. Because of the same reason as with the case of Laos branch, Myanmar Branch become subsidiary body of MAJA, that is a study-abroad supporting organization.
The inaugural meeting of Myanmar Branch was started from 13:30 pm (moved up 30 min earlier than it was originally scheduled) after the opening ceremony of Nagoya University Myanmar, Law Research Center. Mr. Nakano (Chief of Liaison Committee of NUAL) served as a toastmaster and preceded the meeting in English. In the beginning, Mr. Myint Wai, President of MAJA made congratulatory address. Following this, Mr. Hamaguchi, president of Nagoya University also congratulated the inauguration of new branch, and introduced the recent activity of Nagoya University and international surrenders studying at Nagoya University. He closed his address with the wish that Myanmar Branch will be a hub and realized brisk interaction between the University and alumni. Third, Mr. Nakano read a message from Mr. Shoichiro Toyoda, president of NUAL, on behalf of him. In this address, Mr. Toyoda delivered his warm address and invited the chairperson of Myanmar Branch to coming 9th Nagoya University’s Home Coming Day (19 October 2013). Next, president Hamaguchi presented the branch banner, the written recognition and the mementos to the chairperson of Myanmar Branch; Dr. Nang Hla Hla Win expressed that she is so glad to realize the inauguration of Myanmar Branch, and shared her passion to make this new branch as a hub as president Hamaguchi mentioned. Lastly, a commemorative group photo was taken.
To respond the wish of Myanmar alumni, NUAL distributed a pin badge to participants (the same design as the branch banner), and they attended the meeting badging them hourly. We are so delighted for that. Last but not least, we would like to thank Ms. Emi Makino (lecturer in CALE) for her contribution for new branch establishment and contact making to Myanmar alumni.
![]() Conferment of the Branch banner |
![]() The Memorial Photo |