Information and Requests

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Call for contributions

To those who have graduated (or completed the courses) from Nagoya University and all persons concerned,

The Nagoya University Alumni Association has made efforts to establish the foundation for promoting alumni activities beyond boundaries of fields since its establishment in October 2002. Four domestic branches (Kanto Branch, Enshu-kai, Kansai Branch, and Gifu Branch) and fifteen international branches (Korea, Bangladesh, Shanghai, Thailand, Beijing, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia) have been set up.

In addition, NUAL has been undertaking various activities, such as introducing Nagoya University Credit Card, publishing NUAL Newsletter, cooperating for seminars and university events, updating membership directory, supporting student/faculty activities, and sponsoring events. In particular, each branch has been assisting to organize Nagoya University Forum. Through these activities, NUAL has been continuously evolved as an essential organization that links the University and society, and expected to make further progress.

These activities are run by financial contributions including the supporting membership fee (once a year), contributions (at any time of year), cooperation fund (from parents of newly-enrolled students), and revenues from the credit card operations. We would like to ask for all to kindly provide financial supports to NUAL as a supporting member.

Your generous contribution is greatly appreciated at any time of year.

November 2020

Masaharu Shibata
President of NUAL

Supporting Membership Fee

Supporting member* 5,000yen / unit
Supporting cooperate member 50,000yen / unit
*Supporting membership System

According to Article 19 of the NUAL Regulations, association expenses will be paid from sources of income that include dues paid by supporting members.

【Payment Methods】
Postal transfer Account No.: 00860-8-113043
Name: Nagoyadaigaku Zengaku Dosoukai

※A money transfer can be made through the post office's online banking system, called Yucho Direct. (After making a bank transfer, please kindly inform NUAL Bureau of your name and address by e-mail or FAX transmission sheet.)
※If you need a postal transfer form, please contact NUAL Bureau.
※If you make a money transfer at a postal office using the blue form, please fill in your name and address as well as the name of department and the year that you graduated (or completed the course).

Bank Transfer Bank/Branch Name: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Coporation, Motoyama Branch (Branch Number: 670)
Account Holder Name: Higashi Nihon Daishinsai Gienkin Nagoya Daigaku Zengaku Dousoukai
Account No.: 6645541 (Ordinary Account)

※A money transfer can be made through internet banking.
※Please be noted that transfer fees is born by sender.
※After making a bank transfer, please kindly inform NUAL Bureau of your name and address by e-mail or FAX transmission sheet.

Automatic Debit If you wish to pay the supporting membership fee by automatic withdrawal from your account, please contact NUAL Bureau of your name and address by e-mail or FAX transmission sheet to request for the form required for the procedures.
E-mail :
FAX : 052-783-1920

FAX Transmission SheetExcel (28KB)PDF (61KB)


If you wish to make contributions to the NUAL, please refer to the payment methods below. Contributions to alumni association for each department will be once collected at the NUAL, and delivered to the designated alumni association.

【Payment Methods】
Postal transfer Account No.: 00860-8-113043
Name: Nagoyadaigaku Zengaku Dosoukai

※A money transfer can be made through the post office's online banking system, called Yucho Direct. (After making a bank transfer, please kindly inform NUAL Bureau of your name and address by e-mail or FAX transmission sheet.)
※If you need a postal transfer form, please contact NUAL Bureau.
※If you make a money transfer at a postal office using the blue form, please fill in your name and address as well as the name of department and the year that you graduated (or completed the course).

2. Bank SWIFT Code: SMBC JP JT
3. Bank/Branch Name: MOTOYAMA BRANCH 4. Bank Address: 5-9 SUEMORIDORI, CHIKUSA-KU, NAGOYA 464-0821, JAPAN 5. Account Holder Name: NAGOYADAIGAKU ZENGAKUDOUSOUKAI 6. Branch No. & Account No.: 484-6645541 (Ordinary Account)

※A money transfer can be made through internet banking.
※Please be noted that transfer fees is born by sender.
※After making a bank transfer, please kindly inform NUAL Bureau of your name and address by e-mail or FAX transmission sheet.

E-mail :
FAX : 052-783-1920

FAX Transmission SheetExcel (28KB)PDF (61KB)

【List of Alumni Associations】
0The Nagoya University Alumni Association 8Alumni Associations of the School of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering
1Alumni Associations of the School of Letters and Graduate School of Letters 9Alumni Associations of the School of Agricultural Sciences
2Alumni Association of the School of Education 10Alumni Association of the Graduate School of International Development
3Alumni Association of the School of Law 11
4Kitan Corporation of the School of Economics 12Alumni Association of the Graduate School of Mathematics
5Alumni Associations of the School of Informatics and Sciences and the Graduate School of Human Informatics 13Alumni Association of the Graduate School of Languages and Cultures
6Alumni Associations of the School of Science and Graduate School of Science 14Alumni Association of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies
7Gakuyukai (School of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine) 15Alumni Association of the Graduate School of Information Science

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